Holistic for Paws

Basic TCM Journal#2 Eastern&Western | 2. 中醫基础筆記...

Observation of Life: A Universal Principle for Humans and AnimalsThe principles discussed here apply to both humans and animals, as seen in ancient Chinese veterinary texts that are rooted in...

Basic TCM Journal#2 Eastern&Western | 2. 中醫基础筆記...

Observation of Life: A Universal Principle for Humans and AnimalsThe principles discussed here apply to both humans and animals, as seen in ancient Chinese veterinary texts that are rooted in...

Basic TCM Journal#1 | 1. 中醫基础筆記 1.23.25

Basic TCM Journal#1 1.23.25 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) seems to carry a lot of mystique for many people, whether they are Chinese or international friends. The reason is that TCM...

Basic TCM Journal#1 | 1. 中醫基础筆記 1.23.25

Basic TCM Journal#1 1.23.25 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) seems to carry a lot of mystique for many people, whether they are Chinese or international friends. The reason is that TCM...


自小保健所成立以來,我們始終秉持“真實不虛,爲寵物健康與生活質量提供切實解決方案”的初衷。經過不斷探索與實踐,我們確立了以下三大經營原則: 1.真實不虛我們秉承传统中醫學的治學精神,以傳統中醫爲基礎,研習經典刻苦實踐,堅持日常不斷交流學習提高。做到對每一位寵物負責。 2.提供方便從寵物與家長的實際需求出髮,儘可能爲您提供便利,讓寵物的健康管理變得簡單高效。 3.夯實基礎通過每日不斷學習、積累經驗、鞏固基本功,提昇專業水平,力爭爲每一隻寵物提供更加全麵和優質的服務。 我們深信,唯有堅守以上三點,才能真正幫助到需要幫助的動物和家長。 作爲小保健所的一員,我堅持以勤補拙,孜孜不倦地學習,力求以專業能力和真心回報信任,與大家共同守護愛寵的健康與幸福。


自小保健所成立以來,我們始終秉持“真實不虛,爲寵物健康與生活質量提供切實解決方案”的初衷。經過不斷探索與實踐,我們確立了以下三大經營原則: 1.真實不虛我們秉承传统中醫學的治學精神,以傳統中醫爲基礎,研習經典刻苦實踐,堅持日常不斷交流學習提高。做到對每一位寵物負責。 2.提供方便從寵物與家長的實際需求出髮,儘可能爲您提供便利,讓寵物的健康管理變得簡單高效。 3.夯實基礎通過每日不斷學習、積累經驗、鞏固基本功,提昇專業水平,力爭爲每一隻寵物提供更加全麵和優質的服務。 我們深信,唯有堅守以上三點,才能真正幫助到需要幫助的動物和家長。 作爲小保健所的一員,我堅持以勤補拙,孜孜不倦地學習,力求以專業能力和真心回報信任,與大家共同守護愛寵的健康與幸福。

中醫學思想髮展史| updated as on 1.23.25

  Development History of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Philosophy Ancient Period (Before 3000 BCE) The Three Sovereigns (Fuxi, Shennong, Huangdi) The emergence of TCM philosophy Xia Dynasty Period (2070 BCE...

中醫學思想髮展史| updated as on 1.23.25

  Development History of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Philosophy Ancient Period (Before 3000 BCE) The Three Sovereigns (Fuxi, Shennong, Huangdi) The emergence of TCM philosophy Xia Dynasty Period (2070 BCE...

List of Cold, Neutral and Warm Foods

Food Category   Warm to Hot: (Warm: promote circulation, alleviate chills/ Hot: improve organ functions, stimulate and strengthen)  Examples: Chicken, Beef Kidney, Lamb, Lamb Kidney, Lamb Liver, Venison, Pepper, Rosemary,...

List of Cold, Neutral and Warm Foods

Food Category   Warm to Hot: (Warm: promote circulation, alleviate chills/ Hot: improve organ functions, stimulate and strengthen)  Examples: Chicken, Beef Kidney, Lamb, Lamb Kidney, Lamb Liver, Venison, Pepper, Rosemary,...